OB/GYNs, Family Doctors

Providers are listed alphabetically by state and then by city for ease of use. More OBs and family doctors will be added to the directory as we become aware of them.

Idaho | Ohio

If you are a birth worker that would like to be added to the directory, please email the following information to birthinginzion@gmail.com.
What stake do you live in? Please include city, state and country.
What area do you serve? How far are you willing to travel?
Occupation (midwife, doula, OB, IBCLC, etc.–include applicable organizations (CAPPA, BAI, DONA, etc.) or state “volunteer peer support” if not licensed or certified)
Preferred method of contact (office, home, or cell phone, e-mail, Website (if applicable)
Short Bio (100-200 words) including description of services, experience, philosophy, rates, or anything else you want people to know about you and your work.
Endorse the MFCI:
Please review and endorse the Mother-Friendly Childbirth Initiative. A provider will still be listed if not willing to endorse the document and their lack of endorsement will be indicated in the provider's information seen below.


Dr. J. Kent McGregor, D.O.
Stake: Jameston Ward, Shelley South Stake, Shelley, Idaho, USA.
Occupation: ObGyn with Carriage House Obstetrics and Gynecology
Contact: (208) 522-2557,  www.carriagehouseobgyn.com

Bio:  Dr. McGregor is an OBGYN who embraces the mind, body, spirit approach to birthing and currently serves the South Eastern Idaho area, with his practice in Idaho Falls, Idaho.
Endorses the MFCI: Yes


David M. Wall, MD
Stake: Cincinnati East State - Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
Serving: Southwest Ohio, Northern Kentucky, Southeastern Indiana
Occupation: OB/GYN
Contact: The Bowen Center for Women's Health
11317 Springfield Pike, Springdale, OH 45246
(513) 771-9100      www.thebowencenter.com

Bio:  Dr Wall graduated from Rick's College after returning from the Germany
Duesseldorf mission and went on to complete his BS at Brigham Young
University with degrees in Microbiology, Chemistry and German Culture.  He
and his wife Jenny then moved to the Toledo, Ohio Stake where David
graduated from Medical School in 2006.  He completed residency in OB/GYN at
the Good Samaritan Hospital Residency program and started working with Dr.
Daniel Bowen in July 2010.  David became interested in low intervention
childbirth after the birth of his first daughter, Katie.  He lives with his
wife Jenny and their four children Katie, Matthew, Elizabeth and Jacob in
Loveland, Ohio and attends the Milford, Ohio Ward.  Currently he is serving
as the 2nd counselor in the Milford Ward Bishopric.  David specializes in low
intervention (natural) childbirth and vaginal birth after cesarean section.
His other areas of interest include minimally invasive surgery and pelvic pain.
Endorses the MFCI: No